
Event Sustainability Are you Ready? Article in Connections BVEP magazine


Alex Lepingwell, council member of the National Outdoor Events Association (NOEA) and MD of Green Stewards, writes about the move towards environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility in business and the need for the currently unlegislated festival industry to take up to the challenge of creating a more sustainable future, in Connections, Business Visits and Events Partnerships (BVEP) Magazine.

Alex advocates NOEA members taking small incremental steps towards building in sustainable management processes in all areas of their business and talk about NOEA’s work with Powerful Thinking to help build these management systems.

Extract below and full article on p. 15 of BVEP magazine Spring 2016 edition.

“Currently there is no legislation in our industry demanding sustainable business practices, but it is not inconceivable that there will be in the near future. For most of us, that will be a serious challenge. Imagine health and safety regulations on steroids. What we need to do is start preparing now. Small, incremental, achievable steps across a range of areas that will allow us all to build in sustainable management practices over time. Much in the same way as we take sensible health and safety practice for granted these days, companies who don’t have sustainable procurement, closed loop product life cycle and energy ef ciency policies will stick out like sore thumbs.

To help our members with the building blocks of sustainable management systems, The National Outdoor Events Association is 
proud to announce that it will be working with Powerful Thinking. The industry led think tank that produced The Power Behind Festivals, an incredibly detailed and well-researched paper on energy use in the industry with practical advice on how best to manage energy sustainably. The Show Must Go On is its latest report looking at a much wider range of sustainability issues faced by the event industry. This report also launches The Festival Vision 2025 Pledge, aiming to get all festivals to halve their green house gas emissions by 2025.

Our industry has to take sustainability seriously, not for fear of legislation, loss
of market share or even the increased efficiencies it will show. We have to do it because we owe it to our children, their children and the generations to come. It really is that serious.”

Festival Vision News Update

Festival Vision: 2025 unites UK festivals for a sustainable future.

Over 40 UK music festivals have pledged to work together to create a more environmentally sustainable festival industry by signing Festival Vision: 2025 — the vision and roadmap for a sustainable future presented by industry think-do tank Powerful Thinking in its seminal environmental report, The Show Must Go On.

Festivals both large and small, with genres from rock music to words, are united around the vision. Bestival, Hay Festival, Shambala and Secret Garden Party have all taken the pledge, and Festival Republic have signed up their entire portfolio of 11 UK festivals including: Latitude, V Festival, Reading, Leeds and BBC Proms in the Park.

The Vision: 2025 Festivals aim to halve festival emissions and reach 50% recycling rates by 2025. They have also pledged to reduce travel-related emissions and improve the sustainability of food sourcing. Integral to the pledge is the intention to measure, record and share key environmental impacts from festival operations using credible methods, such as the Julie’s Bicycle free Creative Green IG tools or by working with the A Greener Festival Awards, in order to track progress.

A full list of the participating Festivals and details of the pledge can be found on the Festival Vision: 2025 webpage along with key resources from The Show Must Go On report to help festival organisers make successful changes toward sustainable practices.

Festival Vision: 2025 Webpage:

Follow Powerful Thinking on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates and to ask questions and share information. Join the conversation with #FestivalVision2025  #PowerfulThinking

“As festival organisers we know how to create unforgettable experiences and how to inspire people. We know how to get things done in challenging circumstances and we are accomplished at communicating with audiences.

Festival organisers working with their many and diverse partners…can provide leadership for what is perhaps the most important conversation of our time…[and] make a vital and significant contribution to a future that we want our children to inherit.”

The Show Must Go On report.

Event Sustainability Blog

Sustainable Events Blog

Event Management students at Gloucester University have written blogs exploring sustainability at events as part of their Responsible Events module.

Topics include how managers can make travel more sustainable, how to use less water, providing sustainable food, the problems and solutions in managing and recycling event waste, and where the responsibility of creating a green festivals lies; with the organiser or the audience.

It is heartening to see the Event Managers of the future prioritizing environmental responsibility and the blogs make a fascinating and informative read with up to date facts, figures and case studies:

You can also keep up to date with new ideas and research by following the students on Twitter: @eventsglos

Julie’s Bicycle Powering Change Workshop

Julie’s Bicycle are hosting a half-day workshop in Bristol to explore the role of culture in transitioning to a sustainable society, through the prism of collaboration, creativity and new business models.

Discussion will focus on energy, partnerships, the legacy of the recent Bristol Green Capital year (2015), and how creative solutions and experiences shift thinking and values.

Speakers will include George Ferguson Mayor of Bristol, Ali Robertson of Tobacco Factory Theatres, Alex Orme of Good Energy, Wren Aigaki-Lander, Joon Lynn Goh of In Between Time, and Gary Topp from Bristol Green Capital Partnership.

The event is free and held at the Tobacco Factory, Bristol on Friday 19 February, 10am – 2.30pm with a networking lunch from 1.30pm – 2.30pm.

Full details and to book HERE.  

Powerful Thinkers: Sustaining Creativity in the Events Industry Seminar

Chair of Powerful Thinking, Chris Johnson, will be hosting a panel at The Event Production Show, discussing ‘Sustaining Creativity in the Events Industry’; speakers include Alison Tickell, CEO & Founder of Julie’s Bicycle, Emma Hudson of Access All Areas, Melvin Benn from Festival Republic and Nick Green from Arts Council England. Join the seminar from 2–3pm on 3 March in Olympia, London.

In the promised sequel to the EPS 2014 panel (People, Planet, Profit), these leading figures in the UK creative industries will discuss combining successful business with responsible approaches, and how creativity can be harnessed to enhance the audience experience and communicate about the future.

With COP21 still fresh in the world’s mind, the recently published Show Must Go On report provides the most comprehensive review of the industry’s environmental impacts to date, and launches Festival Vision: 2025, a manifesto for change. The panel discusses the report, the vision, and reflects on how creative approaches can unlock potential for change and help the bottom line.

For more details about EPS 2016 and to book click HERE.

Powerful Thinking at The Green Events & Innovations Conference 2016

Powerful Thinking’s Chair, Chris Johnson, will be hosting a panel discussing The Show Must Go On report and Festival Vision: 2025 at the 8th edition of the UK’s leading conference for sustainability at live events, on 3rd March in London. Delegates will then have the opportunity to help shape and join Powerful Thinking’s industry-wide commitment to achieve festival sustainability in line with government targets by 2025. The Green Events & Innovations Conference (GEI) is produced by A Greener Festival, Bucks New Uni and the ILMC and takes place at The Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington. This year’s edition of GEI will also include:

  • T In The Park’s Steve Taylor discussing the environmental challenges that the event encountered when they relocated to Strathallan Castle.
  • Representatives from festivals around the world speaking about the challenges they face in meeting and understanding their environmental impact, including Lake of Stars, Malawi.
  • The Greener Festival Awards: presented by Claire O’Neill and Teresa Moore.
  • ILMC’s Greg Parmley talking about the actions that the conference is taking to implement their sustainability targets.
  • A Keynote speech from Joanna Haigh, director of the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment.

Plus many more sessions to be announced. More details and book tickets HERE

A Greener Festival Awards back for 2016

In 2015, A Greener Festival took a year out from running the Awards to restructure and create more comprehensive tools for assessing and supporting events. The new awards procedure still includes a festival self-assessment with supporting documentation, but this now reflects the requirements of an Environmental Impact Assessment. Rather than submit a new application each year, repeat applicants will build on their initial assessments, set targets and monitor progress. The unique on site assessment from an AGF environmental auditor will still take place during each event.

A Greener Festival can provide support to help produce Environmental Impact Assessments and other supporting services, but strongly advocate that events have the skills and knowledge in-house to do this themselves. Advice and support about doing this is freely available and Environmental Impact Assessments from other reliable third party sources are also welcomed and accepted.

When A Greener Festival began 10 years ago we were trying to raise awareness about how to reduce the environmental impact of festivals. The new process for the awards goes beyond promoting best practice and events successes, but also helps organisers to understand, plan and improve their entire events sustainability.” Claire O’Neill, Co-Founder of A Greener Festival. Apply for the awards HERE.

If you have a background in sustainable event management and are interested in becoming a trained AGF assessor they are inviting applicants and providing training for the roll. Apply HERE

Revolutionary hybrid lighting solution

Air synergy has developed a great new sustainable lighting solution for festivals and events. The Remote Power Unit (RPU) looks and acts like a streetlight but it’s powered by a hybrid wind and solar unit. It also boasts battery storage of up to 3 days meaning it can deliver a 100% reliable supply whatever the weather.

The RPU uses revolutionary technology: a ducted augmented wind turbine (DAWT) system that accelerates the air. This increases the blade rpm and results in an output of 1,200kwh secure power per Annum (based on a 5 m/s average wind-speed site). The system also enables the turbine to ‘cut in’ sooner and quickly increase power output at low wind speeds. This is a critical feature means a higher battery voltage, more powerful and reliable lighting as well as improved battery life.

Find out more

Talking Events: Powerful Thinking Podcast

Chris Johnson, Chair of Powerful Thinking, met with William Richardson, Environmental Consultant at Green Element, to discuss the current thinking around reducing the environmental impact of sporting events such as The Ryder Cup. The Event Industry News podcast was hosted by Graham Brown M.D. at Plaster PR, as part of their Talking Events series.

“We are largely numb as a human population to the fact that the Earth, our life support system, is on the verge of ecological collapse… That sense of urgency that we actually need to do something is still lacking in business sectors. We’ve watched two decades of international politicians achieving nothing; we can’t just look to our political leaders or even leaders in most business sectors to create this change. I urge every person listening to this podcast, in their daily lives, every person with decision making in their business, we have to do this now… “

Download the full podcasts here:

Greener Events Part 1: Talking Events Podcast

Greener Events Part 2: Talking Events Podcast

The Show Must Go On report at the UK Festival Conference

Powerful Thinking launched The Show Must Go On, a comprehensive 48-page environmental impact report and call to action, at the UK Festival Conference on November 26, 2015 at London’s Roundhouse. The Show Must Go On will also be presented at the UN Climate Change Conference, Paris, December 2015, where 196 countries will meet to sign a new climate change agreement.

The report defines the current impact of the UK festival sector, discusses where there is potential for reduction and presents a concise overview and proposed roadmap for reduced carbon impact at festivals in-line with international targets. The report aims to inspire the festival industry sector to lead by example in achieving impact reduction targets and calls for festivals to pledge their commitment to achieve a 50% reduction in green house gas emissions by 2025.

The Show Must Go On report offers clear evidence and direction for meaningful action on climate change.” Melvin Benn, Festival Republic

To download the report and find out more about taking the Festival Vision: 2025 pledge: