Festival Vision: 2025 at the Festival Suppliers Awards

Powerful Thinking are working with the Festival Suppliers Awards to create a networking event for 40 Vision Festivals. The Festival Suppliers Awards will host the event as part of their Awards ceremony and evening celebrations on 26th January 2017 at The Hurlingham Club, London.

Vision Festivals are being offered a free place at the event, which normally costs £280. They will have the chance to meet to discuss and shape Festival Vision: 2025 together, explore a significant opportunity to develop a funded project, share experiences from 2016 and network with other festival organisers, and gain insights into tools to measure environmental performance easily and effectively through workshop style meetings, before heading to the dinner and awards ceremony in the evening.

Event Details:
26th January at The Hurlingham Club, London
Festival Vision: 2025 networking session: 4 – 6pm (t.b.c)
Awards ceremony and dinner: 7:00pm – 2am

More details about The Festival Supplier Awards:

The Festival Supplier Awards were launched to recognise the achievements and hard work of outdoor event suppliers. With the festival sector diversifying rapidly in the last few years, meaning it’s so much more than ‘rock ‘n’ roll’, they wanted to provide a platform to celebrate the ‘behind-the-scenes’ teams that are the lifeblood of any successful festival.

Many outdoor event suppliers have indicated that the festival sector represents a significantly increasing proportion of their business. Festivals offer a good benchmark for the way live events are transitioning e.g. through RFID technology and experiential marketing and with over 60% of music tourism delivered from festival-goers, they felt the timing was right to launch a dedicated awards evening to highlight the creativity and innovation that festival suppliers deliver on every occasion.
