Help Powerful Thinking create the best knowledge and action hub possible for making events sustainable, and get ACTIVE in supporting events to take action through Festival Vision: 2025.
After the success of the Festival Vision: 2025 crowdfunder in July 2019 which raised over £28,000 to fund the cornerstone of the Vision:2025 for a sustainable industry – The Show Must Go On Report – we are now stretching that goal to £35,000 to make all the valuable research and information sources, inspiring case studies and best practice, and links to taking action available to EVERYONE in the industry on a dedicated website.
With the additional funds we will:
- Build an amazing dedicated website for the Vision:2025 campaign, providing a ‘knowledge hub’ for sustainable events.
- Gather and publish case studies from events and companies across Europe to share inspiration and best practice
- develop and deliver a comprehensive and active program of support in 2020 to festivals signed up to the vision, including resources such as templates for action plans, tender documents, policies and checklists to support staff at every level to make changes.
We will work with partners across the whole industry committed to action to make this vision a reality.
Below are the partners who have supported the project so far:

Make a Donation
Festival Supporter – very small event (under 500)
£75.00 Make Donation -
Festival Supporter – Small event (500 – 4,999K)
£150.00 Make Donation -
Commercial Supporter – company alignment with The Show Must Go On
£250.00 Make Donation -
Festival Supporter – Large event (10,000 – 19,999)
£375.00 Make Donation -
Festival Supporter – Medium event 2,500 – 9,999K
£250.00 Make Donation -
Festival Supporter – Major event (20,000+)
£500.00 Make Donation -
Headline Sponsor
£1,000.00 Make Donation -
£5,000.00 Make Donation -
Name your donation to Vision:2025 / Powerful Thinking
Make Donation
Contact us if you would like to make a significant contribution, become a steering group members or a partner organisation.
Powerful Thinking is an action group supported and hosted by Julie’s Bicycle. All donations are received by Julie’s Bicycle acting as secretariat for Powerful Thinking, and ring-fenced for Powerful Thinking activities.